Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Letter from Vanda Isaacson to Carl John Alfred Hammerberg, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Carl John Alfred Hammerberg

Addressor: Vanda Isaacson


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Letter from Vanda Isaacson to Carl John Alfred Hammerberg, 1921.

Image text

Sister. Carl Hammerberg
Vanda Isaacson. 5148. 1921.
431. N. 60th Ave.

Dear Brother:-
I will send you a few lines to well how is you we have lots of snow here in Duluth

and it is good skating to every body is out enjoying the winter I hope you can come home to enjoy it to.
Well I had a letter from Elna Ecklund and she said she likes Carlto but she would mind

living Duluth. Well I am not woorking [sic] now just taking it easy.
But soon I am going to woork [sic] again well I hope by this time you know if you will come home or not. You know all I wish for Christmas that you would come home.

Hammerberg 5148

I am wondering if that will come true or not. Say brother do you now [sic] Wdward and William Lyon well they slugged and robbed three fellow and so they are in jail.
Well I have no more news I gess [sic] I will close with hopes to see you home. Write soon.

God Bless you and be with you.
Your Sister Vanda