Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Parole Order, June 30, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Gov't Record(s)

Document subtype: Parole Order

Documents: Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Parole Order, June 30, 1922.


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Parole Order, June 30, 1922.

Image text

Minnesota State Reformatory

To Chas. E. Vasaly, Superintendent:
At the regular meeting of the stat Board of Parole, held June 1, 1922
the PAROLE of Carl J. Hammerberg No. 5148 was authorized to take effect
June 30, 1922.


Employer Mr. Thompson, } C J Swendsen
Address 1208 East Fifth Street, } Chairman
Duluth, Minnesota. } Chas. E. Vasaly

Minnesota State Reformatory

To Chas. E. Vasaly, Superintendent:
At the regular meeting of the stat Board of Parole, held June 1, 1922
the PAROLE of Carl J. Hammerberg No. 5148 was authorized to take effect
June 30, 1922.


Employer Mr. Thompson, } C J Swendsen
Address 1208 East Fifth Street, } Chairman
Duluth, Minnesota. } Chas. E. Vasaly

Minnesota State Reformatory

TO Carl J. Hammerberg No. 5148

At a regular meeting of the State board of Parole held June 1, 1922 your parole was authorized to take effect June 30, 1922. The Board having confidence in you, and desiring to test your character, and your ability to correctly deport yourself in society, do, by virtue of the authority conferred in them by law, authorize this parole.
Employment has been provided for you with Mr. Thompson
Address 1208 East Fifth Street, Duluth, Minnesota.
You will proceed directly to his home, or to the place to which he may direct you, and there remain in his employ until you receive your final release, or until you have the consent of the Board to change. As soon as possible after reaching you destination you will report to your employer or to Mr. D. H. Knickerbacker , the agent of the board, show him this parole, and write the Superintendent that you have arrived at your destination. Report to the Superintendent and to Mr. J. H. DeWitt, State Agent, St. Paul, Minn., on the 20th day of each month thereafter, upon blanks furnished you, countersigned by your employer, or by the Agent of the Board, which must be correctly and completely filled and all questions answered, and the report promptly mailed in duplicate to the Superintendent and the State Agent.
Inmates on parole are not permitted to marry without the consent of the State board of Parole.
You are cautioned to conduct yourself honestly, avoiding evil or low associates, to abstain from the use of intoxicating drinks, cigarettes or snuff under all circumstances, to avoid public gathering places, such as saloons or dance halls, or places where you might come in contact with objectionable company, or get in disputes or altercations, and to spend your evenings at home.
Your are invited to address the Superintendent or State Agent at any time, and their aid and counsel will always be at your service. In case you find it necessary or desirable to change employment or residence, you will first get the consent of the Board through the Superintendent or the State Agent. Should you lose your situation, or become il, you notify the Superintendent or State Agent at once.


Chas. E. Vasaly C. J. Swendsen
Superintendent Chairman
DATED: June 1, 1922 Chas. E. Vasaly

I fully understand the terms and conditions of the within parole order, and I solemnly promise and agree to comply with each and every one of them to the best of my ability; and to show my appreciation of the Board in paroling me, and my interest in the welfare of other men who are now confined as I have been, by being honest, sober and respectable.

Carl J Hammerberg

Date June 30, 192 2