Frances [sic] To Assist In Duluth Case.

Type of event: Legal Proceedings

Location: Minneapolis; Hennepin County; Minnesota

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Frances [sic] To Assist In Duluth Case.


Minneapolis Messenger, October 29, 1921, page 1.
“Frances [sic] To Assist In Duluth Case”

Image text


Ten Day’s Extension Given.

Atty. W. T. Francis of St. Paul, Minn., has been selected as associate council in the case of Max Mason, who was convicted of rape in Duluth, Minn. He was the only Negro convicted in the complaint that caused the Duluth lynching. Atty. R. C. McCullough of Duluth and Atty. F. L. Barnett of Chicago, counsel for Masey have appealed to the State Supreme Court. Another extension of ten days which expires Nov. 5, has been given for the filing of briefs. Atty. Francis is making final arrangements for the appeal, by request of Atty’s. McCullough and Barnett. Efforts are being made to solicit sufficient funds to defray expenses.