Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Application No. 5151. Letter from Leonidas Merritt to Board of Pardons, February 25, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Board of Pardons

Addressor: Leonidas Merritt


Minnesota. Board of Pardons.
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Application No. 5151.
Pardon Application. File no. 5151, 1921
Letter from Leonidas Merritt to Board of Pardons, February 25, 1921.

Image text

Red Warrior Mining Co.
Providence Bldg.
Duluth, Minn., Feb. 25, 1921.

To the Honorable Board of Pardons,
Capitol Building,
St. Paul, Minn.

Without attempting to excuse or palliate the action of the June mob, who raided the City Hall lockup of Duluth and hung up the three negroes accused of a statuary crime, to the utter disgrace of our city, yet am I earnestly constrained to ask clemency and full pardon for one Gilbert H. Stephanson (sic), the unfortunate victim of an equally guilty mob.
You, Gentlemen, will doubtless go into the evidence convicting him. Am frank to say I have not done so. My plea in his behalf is as above stated and one to which nearly every citizen of Duluth can subscribe.
Yours very truly,

Leonidas Merritt