Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Application No. 5151. Letter from T. W. Hugo to Board of Pardons, March 11, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Board of Pardons

Addressor: T. W. Hugo


Minnesota. Board of Pardons.
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Application No. 5151.
Pardon Application. File no. 5151, 1921
Letter from T. W. Hugo to Board of Pardons, March 11, 1921.

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March Eleventh,

1 9 2 1 .

To the Pardon Board,
Stillwater, Minnesota.


On the fifteenth of June, 1920 a mob law got the better of the civil and as a consequence people became excited and did things which they would not have otherwise thought of, the whole resulting in the unfortunate hanging of some negroes and general destruction of property by and through which the city of Duluth received a great deal of unpleasant notoriety and a sensational trial which sentenced among others, Mr. Gilbert H. Stephenson to Stillwater for rioting and as one of the participators in the riot.

Since that time certain evidence has been brought to my attention particularly that of a policeman who knew Mr. Stephenson very well and who is positive that he is not the man who was indentified (sic) as a participant in the riot.

Mr. Stephenson has lived in Duluth for eight years was a truck driver for Mr. Sloan (?) and as far as known has been an orderly and reputable citizen, has not been under police surveillance at any time and has committed no offense for which police had reason to take cognizance. Many reputable citizens have spoken to me in reference to this matter amongst them being Mr. Ed. Swenson, formerly city alderman and one who has lived in Duluth all his live time, who knows Mr. Stephenson and his relatives intimately and a man in whom I place implicit confidence in any thing which he might say, give Mr. Gilbert H. Stephenson very splendid record and I am inclined to believe what he says.

Being informed that other evidence can be presented than that submitted at trial, I respectively request that you give this matter your attention if the facts are satisfactory, and give the person the benefit of a re-hearing or whatever is the usual method of procedure.

Thanking you for the courtesy of your patient hearing, I remain

Yours respectfully,

TWH:AJ T. W. Hugo