Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Minute Record. February 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Gov't Record(s)

Document subtype: Minute Record

Documents: Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Minute Record. February 1921.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Louis Dondino: Case No. 6614.
Commitment Papers.
Case no. 6614, February 1921.
Minute Record.

Image text

August 9th, 1920.
Court convened at 9:30 o’clock A. M.
Officers present: Hon. Bert Fesler, Judge presiding
Alex S. Hamilton, Deputy Clerk
Geo. P. Stillman, Reporter
John LaVaque Deputy Sheriff

Defendant present in court and duly arraigned. Defendant waives the reading of the indictment and given a copy thereof, Defendant informs the ocurt that his true name is Louis Dondino and that E. J. Kenny is his counsel. Defendant enters a plea of not guilty.

Tuesday September 7th, 1920.
Court convened at 9:30 o’clock A. M.
Officers present: Hon. Bert Fesler, Judge presiding
Alex S. Hamilton, Deputy Clerk
Geo. P. Stillman, Reporter
John LaVaque Deputy Sheriff
Defendant present in court.
Defendant withdraws his former plea of not guilty and enters a demurrer to the indictment against him.
Demurrer overruled.
Defendant enters a plea of not guilty.
Defendant being present in Court and is duly called for trial upon the indictment against him, E. J. Kenny, Esq. appearing for the defendant, Mason M. Forbes, Esq. First Assistant

County Attorney appearing for the State, the following jurors were drawn to try the defendant:

Earl W. Kelly
Duluth, Minn.
J. F. McKanna
Duluth, Minn.
David Kanimki
Alice, Minn.
Thomas McMeekin
“ “
J. G. Harris
Duluth, Minn.
Willard Hibbard
“ “
Chas. H. Claypool
Hibbing, Minn.
Joseph W. Kempton
“ “
C. W. Keiswetter
Duluth, Minn.
Jacob Weiner
“ “
Frank A. Noble
Duluth, Minn.
W. B. Dulop
“ “


Herbert J. O’Brien
Duluth, Minn.
Dell Hobbs
Duluth, Minn.
W. F. LaShells
“ “
Louis Dondino
“ “
Victor Isaacson
“ “
N. C. Gilkey
“ “
A. J. Carson
“ “
J. A. Barnes
“ “
Fred F. Davis
“ “
F. O. Peterson
“ “
J. N. Nystrom
“ “

John C. Brown
“ “

Oscar Olson
“ “

Judge Presiding – Hon. Bert Fesler, Duluth, Minn.
Prosecuting Attorney – Mason M. Forbes, Esq., First Assistant County

Attorney, Duluth, Minn.
Convict’s Attorney – E. J. Kenny, Esq., Duluth, Minn.