Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Parole Agreement, March 18, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Gov't Record(s)

Document subtype: Parole Agreement

Documents: Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Parole Agreement, March 18, 1922.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Louis Dondino: Case No. 6614.
Case Files. 1921-1923.
Parole Agreement, March 18, 1922.

Image text


Minnesota State Prison




Name, Louis Dondino No. 6614
Age, 40 Height, 5 – 7 ¾
Weight, 155 Complexion, Dark
Eyes, Brown Hair, Dark

Crime, Riot
Date When Admitted, Feby 10 – 1921
County, St. Louis Court, Dist
Date of Parole MAR 18 1922
Occupation, Truck & Transfer
Expiration Date, Sept 27 – 1924
Employer, Self at Duluth


Know All Men by These Presents: That the Board of Parole of Minnesota, desiring to test the ability of

Louis Dondino

an inmate of the Minnesota State Prison, to refrain from crime, and lead an honorable life, do, by virtue of the authority conferred upon them by law, hereby parole the said Louis Dondino and allow him to go on parole outside the buildings and enclosure of said prison, but not outside the State of Minnesota, subject however, to the following rules, regulations and conditions:
1. He shall proceed at once to the place of employment provided for him, viz: With Self at Duluth
and there remain until he receives notice of his final discharge.
2. In case he finds it desirable to change his employment or residence he shall first obtain the written consent of the said State Board or Parole, through the Warden of said State Prison.
3. He shall, on the twentieth day of each month, until his final release write the Warden of said State Prison a report of himself, stating whether he has been constantly at work during the last month, and if not, why not; how much he has earned, and how much he has expended, together with a general statement as to his surroundings and prospects, which report must be endorsed by his employer.
4. He shall in all respects conduct himself honestly, avoid evil associations, obey the law, and abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors.
5. As soon as possible, after reaching his destination, he shall report to Self , show him this parole, and at once enter upon the employment provided for him.
6. He shall, while on parole, remain in the legal custody and under the control of said State Board of Parole.
7. He shall be liable to be retaken and again confined within the enclosure of said state Prison for any reason that shall be satisfactory to the State Board of Parole, and at their sole discretion, until he receives written notice from the Warden that his final release has been ordered.
8. He shall under no circumstances, contract marriage while on Parole, without first obtaining the consent of the State Board of Parole in writing.

The management of said State Prison has a lively interest in the subject of this parole, and he need not fear or hesitate to freely communicate with the Warden in case he loses his situation; or becomes unable to labor by reason of sickness or other disability.
Given in duplicate this 18 day of March 1922

J J Sullivan

Warden. C. J. Swendsen

H. C. Swearington
J. J. Sullivan
State Board of Parole.

I, Louis Dondino an inmate of the Minnesota State Prison, hereby declare that I have carefully read, and do clearly understand, the contents and conditions of the above parole, and I hereby accept the same, and do pledge myself to honestly comply with said conditions.
Signed in duplicate the 18 day of March 1922
Louis Dondino

Stillwater, Minn._MAR 18_1922____192_
Received of J. J. Sullivan, Warden, cash amounting to
___________________ _______________DOLLARS,
being in full, Discharge Allowance and Petty Cash, at date of parole, less amount retained by Warden, $__25.00___
____Louis Dondino___________