Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from R. C. McCullough to Frank A. Whittier, August 15, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Frank A. Whittier

Addressor: R. C. McCullough

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from R. C. McCullough to Frank A. Whittier, August 15, 1922.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Max Mason: Case No. 6785.
Case Files.
Letter from R. C. McCullough to Frank A. Whittier, August 15, 1922.

Image text

Duluth, Minnesota, August, 15th,
R. C. McCullough,
906 Esat (sic) 3rd street,
Duluth, Minn.

Mr. F. A. Whittier, State Agent

Stillwater, Minnesota.

Dear Sir:

In answer to you letter of July 10th, 1922 in regards to Max Mason, will say that my first acquaintence (sic) with him was when I took charge of his defense together with others arrested at the same time and on the same charge on June 15th, 1920 and saw him very often on my many calls at the County Jail, this City.
From all the contact, and knowledge I gained of him personally, I found him to be of a well behaved character, earnest, honest and true and from all the inquiry I made concerning him and learned from all who visited him while in jail and from the sheriff and his officers who had immediate charge of him informed me that he was a man of good behavior and honest.
I am enclosing a copy of the Supreme Courts opinion both affirming his conviction and dissenting opinion of Justices Hallam and Dibell in the same hearing that you may know the details of the cause of his imprisonment.
Hoping this will afford you the proper information asked for.
I remain

Yours truly.
R. C. McCullough