Negro Suspects Must Face Trial, Court Says; Lynchers To Be Tried.

Type of event: Legal Proceedings

Location: Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Negro Suspects Must Face Trial, Court Says; Lynchers To Be Tried.


National Advocate, August 28,1920, page 1.
“Negro Suspects Must Face Trial, Court Says; Lynchers To Be Tried”

Image text


Duluth, Aug. 23–Seven negroes, indicted on a statutory charge, must stand trial. Judge W. A. Cant in district court Saturday denied a motion to quash the indictments against them.
The negroes will not be brought into court for trial until after 40 indictments against Duluth men, charging murder, rioting and inciting to riot–sequels to the lynching of three negroes here–have been disposed of.
Six of the white men will be called for trial next Monday. The others will face the court in November, according to the present schedule.
F. L. Barrett, Chicago, and R. C. McCullough, negro attorneys, appeared in district court July 31 and asked that indictments against the alleged assailants of the white girl be quashed on the ground that their clients had been denied constitutional rights when forced to testify before the grand jury.
The trial prosecuting the law breakers who mobbed 3 colored citizens on Tuesday June 15th, which will begin on Monday August 30th, will be watched by the citizens all over the country. Our Governor is behind this movement and will see that these law-breakers are punished.