Mower County Transcript-Republican

Mower County transcript-republican (Austin, Minn.) 1915-1920 Browse the title

The Mower County Transcript-Republican came into being on June 2, 1915 when the Mower County Transcript merged with another Austin publication, the Mower County Republican. The former editors of the Mower County Republican, J. H. Frazier and Anna B. Roble, edited the new title.

The Transcript-Republican began as an eight-page, seven- column paper with Republican political leanings. It was published weekly on Wednesdays, until in November of 1919 it became a semi-weekly, published on Mondays and Thursdays.

In the first issue Frazier and Roble wrote that their new venture was to consolidate the newspaper in the best interests of the owners, the subscribers, and the advertisers. The combined subscriptions of the two papers gave them the largest number of subscribers in Mower County, if not Southern Minnesota. The editors asked that readers send or telephone any news items that they happened to know. And if their community or town was not represented on the correspondence page, they also asked for help to enlist the services of good news gatherers.

On October 4, 1920 Herman Roe, managing editor of the Northfield News and Joseph L. Gannon, foreman and assistant manager of that same paper, bought the Mower County Transcript-Republican. The last issue of the Transcript-Republican was published on October 7, 1920 and the name of the paper was changed to the Mower County News on October 11, 1920.


Adams, Jean H. and John Kay. Tales of Mower County. Austin, Minn.: Mrs. Jean H. Adams, 1949.

"Buy Austin Semi-Weekly." Editor & Publisher, October 16, 1920, p. 11.