St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board
In 1988 the Minnesota State Legislature established the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board for the purpose of providing interpretive resources for the public within the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Zone encircling the Minneapolis central riverfront, an area rich in natural, scenic, recreational and historic elements. Since 1988, the Heritage Board has funded, guided, and spurred countless developments and interpretive efforts along the Minneapolis Riverfront.
St. Anthony Falls interpretive plan | Projects & plans | Board members | Board meetings | Contact us
St. Anthony Falls interpretive plan
In 1989-90 the Heritage Board commissioned an interpretive plan for the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Zone that would provide structure and guidance for the interpretation and preservation of historic features that convey the story of the Minneapolis riverfront. The extent to which this plan has been implemented was evaluated in 2006. The conclusion was that many important components of the plan had been successfully completed, but that more remains to be done.
Power of the Falls: Renewing the Vision for St. Anthony Falls Heritage Zone
- Interpretive plan, updated 2009 (PDF)
- Changing Relationships to the Power of the Falls: An Interpretive Vision for the East Bank of St. Anthony Falls, 2013 (PDF)
- Changing Relationships to the Power of the Falls: An Interpretive Vision for the West Bank of St. Anthony Falls, 2014 (PDF)
Supporting documents

Projects & plans
Since the adoption of the 1990 Interpretive Plan, the Heritage Board has played a role in implementing and funding a number of riverfront projects. Copies of plan documents available by request.
- Contracted Heritage Zone Project Coordinator, 1988-1992
- Survey of Historic Register District, 1988-1989
- St. Anthony Falls Interpretive Plan, 1988-1990
- Landscape Research, Inc. Report, "Voices of Nature, Geographical Features and Landscape Changes At Saint Anthony Falls," 1989
- Audience and Marketing Studies, 1990 (Davidson)
- "Walking the Falls" brochure, 1990
- Living History special event and walking tour, 1990
- Board Strategic Planning, 1991
- St. Anthony Falls Interpretive Program support, 1991-2000
- St. Anthony Falls Heritage Trail and Signage System, 1991 – 1996 (trail completed), maintenance of trail 1996 – ongoing
- Reuse Study and Stabilization, Washburn Crosby A Mill, 1992- 1993
- Rehabilitation of the Stone Arch Bridge, 1992-96
- Historic American Engineering Record (HEAR) study of Washburn Crosby A Mill, 1992-1993
- Heritage Trail signage design, 1993 – 1996
- Pillsbury 'A' Mill milling equipment purchase, 1993
- Orientation Center Site Study and Selection, 1994 –95
- Stone Arch Bridge Booklet, 1994
- Interpretive advice and agreement, Federal Reserve Bank, 1994
- St. Anthony Falls Heritage Trail Walking Tour brochures, 1994, 1996-99
- Planning and Design Development Grant, Bridge Park, 1994-1999
- Consulted planning for Orientation Center, 1995
- Robert Clouse, "Industrial Archeology at Mill Ruins Park – 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota," 1996
- West Side Milling District Brochure, 1997
- Mill Ruins Park, 1997- 2002 (Bond Funding)
- West Side Parking and Circulation Study, 1998
- Consultant for Hennepin Island Interpretive Plan, 1998
- Audience and marketing Studies, 1998-1999 (ERA)
- Archeology, Washburn Crosby Mill Complex, 1998-2000
- Minneapolis Park Board, First Bridge Park Design, 1999
- Pollution Remediation, Washburn Crosby Complex, 1999
- Schematic Design, Museum at Washburn Crosby A Mill, 1999-2001
- West Side Mills District Cohesive Marketing Plan, 1999-2002
- Consultant to set up Challenge Grant Program, 1999 – on hold.
- Audience and Marketing Studies, 2000 (Public Placemakers)
- Update, West Side Mills District Master Plan, 2000-2002
- Design and Development West River Parkway and Plank Road, 2000 –2003
- Non-Member Challenge Grant program: Interpretive Plan, Milwaukee Road Depot, 2000-2001
- Education Specialist, Public Programs, Heritage District Interpretive Planning and Coordination, 2001-2002
- Preservation Plan for excavated ruins, Mill Ruins Park, 2001-2002
- Archaeological investigation of Guthrie Theater site, 2001- 2002
- Non-Member Challenge Grant program: Historical research and Archaeological monitoring of B.F. Nelson Site, 2001- 2002
- Non-Member Challenge Grant program: Interpretive Musical, Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua, 2001-2003
- Chicago Avenue Plaza Design, 2001/2002-2003
- Master Signage and Wayfinding Plan for Historic District, 2002-2005
- Investigation, planning and design grant for Mill Stone Courtyard, 2002-2003
- Research and development for labor education programs, Mill Ruins Park, 2002-2003
- Interpretive Plaza grant for Chicago Plaza, 2002 - 2006
- Design and Engineering grant for lower tailrace design, Mill Ruins Park, 2002- ongoing
- Research and development for archaeology education program, Mill Ruins Park, 2002 – ongoing
- 1990 Interpretive Plan Analysis & Revision, 2002 – 2005
- Minneapolis Riverfront District Brochure, 2003
- Changes in the Landscape Research and Programming grant, Mill Ruins Park, 2003-ongoing
- Grand Excursion Research Report, 2003 (PDF)
- American Indian Program Consultant, 2003
- 1990 Interpretive Plan Analysis & Revision, 2004 - 2005
- Lower Tailrace Area Design/Engineering for further phases of Mill Ruins Park, 2004 – ongoing
- Reuse Study, Grain and Feed Elevators, Wheel House, 2004 – ongoing
- Research and Script for Living History Character, Emily Goodridge Grey, 2004
- Facilitator(s) for Riverfront Signage and Wayfinding Master Plan, 2004, on hold
- Printing the "Bridges" Brochure, 2005
- Prototype Wayfinding Signage Design and Implementation, 2005 – ongoing
- MRD Walking Tour Map and Brochure, 2005
- Research and Script for Living History Character, Franklin Steele, 2005 - ongoing
- DIG IN! Pilot Public Archeology Program, 2005 – ongoing
- SAF Heritage Zone Profile Added to MNRRA Kiosk, 2005 – ongoing
- Install MNRRA Kiosk in Heritage Zone, 2005 – ongoing
- Parcel D Archeology Study, 2007
- Research Report on Riverfront Architecture (PDF)
- Riverfront Arts & Culture Brochure Printing
- MRD Walking Tour Map and Brochure
- Research and Script for Living History Character, Gratia Alta Countryman
- Parcel D (The Nine and The Portland) Archeology Study
- River Archaeology Art
- SAFHB Website & Brochure Design
- Heritage Board Staff Assistance
- Riverfront 2007 Brochure Printing
- MRD Walking Tour Map and Brochure
- Chicago Avenue Interpretive Disks
- Father Hennepin Bluffs Interpretive Program
- Survey of Social History Research Files
- Consultant for Interpretive Input
- East Bank Interpretive Base Map
Board members
The Heritage Board consists of 22 members including representatives from the City of Minneapolis, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Hennepin County, Minnesota Historical Society, Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission, State Historic Preservation Office, Minnesota State Legislature, and Hennepin History Museum.
St. Anthony Falls Heritage 2024 members
(Chair) Director of the Minnesota Historical Society
Kent Whitworth
Mayor of the City of Minneapolis
Jacob Frey
Chair of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners
Irene Fernando
Chair of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Meg Forney
Superintendent of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Al Bangoura
Minnesota House of Representatives
Mohamud Noor
Sydney Jordan
Minnesota State Senate
Doron Clark
Bobby Joe Champion
Minneapolis City Council
Michael Rainville
Katie Cashman
Hennepin County Board of Commissioners
Marion Greene
vacant for 2025
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Commissioners
Billy Menz
Elizabeth Shaffer
Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office
Amy Lucas
Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission
Kelly Mastin
Hennepin County Historical Society (Hennepin History Museum)
John Crippen
Minnesota Historical Society
David Kelliher
One advisor appointed by the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board
Sally Grans Korsh
Two advisors appointed by the Chair of the Board
Mona Smith
Edna Brazaitis
Board meetings
St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board meetings have been set for the calendar year.
- Friday, February 28, 2025
1:30 - 3:00 pm
Mill City Museum, ADM Conference Room, 6th floor
- Monday, July 14, 2025
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Location to be determined
- Monday November 17, 2025
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Location to be determined
Meeting packets will be e-mailed one week prior to each meeting.
If you have questions about board meetings, please contact us.
Contact us
David Stevens
Coordinator, St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone: 612-341-7524
Fax: 612-341-7001