Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Letter from Charles E. Vasaly to Ralph E. Burdick, March 3, 1923.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Ralph E. Burdick

Addressor: Charles E. Vasaly


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Letter from Charles E. Vasaly to Ralph E. Burdick, March 3, 1923.

Image text


March 3, 1923.

R. E. Burdick, Atty.,
Lonsdale Bldg.,
Duluth, Minnesota.

Dear Sir:
I have yours of the 23rd ult., in regard to Carl Hammerberg, #5148.
I shall be glad to bring the matter of his discharge to the attention of the Board at its meeting this month. The general rule is a man must be on parole at least one year, unless there are very special reasons to the contrary. I am glad to know Carl has been doing so well. There is no occasion to send in any application for discharge, so I shall bring the matter to the Board’s attention myself.

Yours very truly,

