Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Letter from N. A. Talafous to Charles E. Vasaly, March 21, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Charles E. Vasaly

Addressor: N. A. Talafous


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Letter from N. A. Talafous to Charles E. Vasaly, March 21, 1921.

Image text

ORDER No. Date Mar 21 192 1
Ship to

Mr. Chas E. Vasaly:-
It has been a long time since I have had occasion to come in contact with you, and I don’t believe that you will remember me. I was working for Kodaclek & Sawer at New Prague in 1886, and spent on year in that important village amongst and with such notables as J. F. Stephan, John Prosek, M. Broz, Maty [illegible], Frank McKiskan, John Josch, M. Suimer, Frank Vanasck and other to numerous to mention. Frank A Koch was my uncle in St. Paul & trust that we may meet again some day, but not as you my superintendent.
Best regards & respects
N. A. Talafous