Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Parole Information Form, May 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Gov't Record(s)

Document subtype: Parole Information Form

Documents: Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Parole Information Form, May 1922.


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Parole Information Form, May 1922.

Image text

NAME Hammerberg, Carl John Alfred Reg. No. 5148

True name Alias None
Received Jan 8, 1921 County St. Louis
Sentence 0 to 5 yrs Crime Instigating a riot
Expiration of sentence Jan 7, 1925 Date of first application Dec 1921
Age 20 Born 2/9/02—Sweden Occupation Laborer
Religion Lutheran Conjugal relations Single
Children Home Duluth, Minn.
Lived in State Since 9 ½ yrs old Group-NA 15 5/8 IQ 90
Habits Cigarettes
Arrests and previous commitments
Trial Judge
Wm Cant, Duluth
The condition of defendant both physically and mentally is good except
that he is evidently somewhat unsophisticated and perhaps easily led. He is not
lacking in ordinary mental qualities. Disposition is good so far as we know; he
has no bad habits.
County Attorney
Warren E. Greene, Duluth
No statement
School Secretary Good—4th Grade
Reformatory Physician Health good—mind dull
Officer in charge Robbins
In my charge 18 months. Conduct and disposition good, general
bearing very good, attitude toward work good.
State Agent
A foolish boy who followed the crowd and was identified. Probably made
a good deal of noise, but not more guilty than any others. I think he might be
paroled if his uncle will give him a place on his farm outside Duluth.
Deportment record
One report for scuffling in kitchen, 9/27/21

5148-Hammerberg, Carl John Alfred 2 June 19.

Desires parole.

Resons: I feel a better man not than when I cam in. I know it was rong [sic] to go up there, but I didn’t when it happened. My mother is a widow and needs my help. I’ll not get in any more trouble.

Second appearance before the Board of Parole.

Parole denied 12/28/21.

State Agent Knickerbacker: Carl John Hammerberg, true name, age 20. From St Louis Co for rioting—was in that Negro hanging. I rode the truck that was being run around town before it happened and was inside the jail. Did not do anything in the jail, just stood there to see what they were going to do. On the truck I was just standing and talking to my pals, did not do any hollering or anything. Twenty-one were arrested, three convicted. The others are out now. Never arrested before. Did not use liquor. Home in Duluth. Never traveled or tramped. Never in Army or Navy. Can get work on an uncle’s farm.