Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Case No. 6598. Letter from Gilbert Henry Stephenson to Frank A. Whittier, July 9, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Frank A. Whittier

Addressor: Gilbert Henry Stephenson


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Case No. 6598.
Case Files.
Letter from Gilbert Henry Stephenson to Frank A. Whittier, July 9, 1922.

Image text

Duluth, Minn
July 9, 1922
Mr. F. A. Whittier

Dear Sir

I wrote to you fore (sic) permition (sic) to move about ten day’s ago and waited fore (sic) answer until yesterday, the folks I was staying with got word that some of there relation was comming (sic) and so I had to move. I went to the Court House and saw Mr. Resche and he told me the only thing I could do was to moove (sic) and write you at once. But this place

does not suit me as I have to pay too much rent six dollars a week is more than I can pay. I would like to have permition (sic) to moove (sic) as soon as I can find a cheaper place.
Very truly yours
Gilbert H Stephenson
228 E. 1st St
Duluth Minn