Grand Jury is Called to Fix Responsibility for Hanging of Men.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Duluth; St. Louis County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Grand Jury is Called to Fix Responsibility for Hanging of Men.


Duluth Herald, June 16, 1920, page 1, 14.
“Grand Jury is Called to Fix Responsibility for Hanging of Men”

Image text

Grand Jury Is Called To Fix Responsibility For Hanging Of Men

Mob Seeking Vengeance for Assault
on Girl Accomplishes Its Aim

Thousand Watch Exciting Scenes
From Early Evening Until Midnight

Judges of District Court Issue
Order Calling for Investigation

The lives of three human beings were snuffed out, several policemen injured and police headquarters wrecked as the result of action by a mob which sought vengeance for the assault made on a West Duluth young woman by Negro employes of the circus which exhibited here on Monday evening. Thousands filled Superior street near the police station all evening, culminating in an attack on headquarters and seizing of the three Negroes who were taken to the corner of East First street and Second avenue and there strung up to an electric light pole.

Grand Jury Called

Immediate Investigation of last night’s lynching and rioting to the and rioting to the end that responsibility may be fixed against those who threw law and order to the winds and took the administration of justice into their own hands will be instituted by county authorities at once.
Four judges of the district court this morning signed and order convening a special grand jury at the courthouse tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock to “inquire as to grave public offenses recently committed in this county.”
Two of the judges, Judges W. A. Cant and Bert Fesier, witnessed the gathering of the mob last night in front of police headquarters, but neither saw the lynchings.
County Attorney Warren E. Greene stated this morning that his office would do everything within its power to bring the offenders who had incited the rioting and lynching to justice.
“The original crime was one of the most atrocious ever committed in this county, but neither this nor any other crime justifies the resorting to mob

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law,” said Mr. Greene. “A special grand jury has been ordered and a thorough investigation will be made of both the original assault and the subsequent rioting and lynching.
“In all fairness it should be said that all of the Negroes implicated in the crime were from out of the city and that none of our local Negroes were in the slighted manner involved in the matter.”
Complaints were ordered issued this morning by County Attorney Greene for the arrest of the thirteen remaining Negroes of the original sixteen alleged to have been implicated in the affair of Monday night. All are charged with the crime of rape.
The sheriff’s office today will subpoena the members of the special grand jury. The order convening the special jury reads as follows:

Order Issued.

“It appearing satisfactorily to the court that there is now an entire absence of grand jurors by reason of the discharge by the court of the grand jurors regularly summoned for the May, 1920, general term of this court, and that the public interests require that a special grand jury be summoned and impaneled at once to inquire as to rave public offenses recently committed in this county, it is
Ordered. That a special venire issue to the sheriff of the above named county forthwith commanding him to summon from the county at large twenty-three competent persons, to be drawn, according to law, to attend at the courthouse at Duluth, Minn., on Thursday, June 17, 1920, at 11 o’clock a.m., and on such subsequent days as may be required to complete their labors.

“Dated June 16, 1920.
“By the court:
“W. A. CANT,
“Judges of the District Court.”