Judy, M. W.,Duluth's Sad Experiment.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Duluth; St. Louis County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Judy, M. W.,Duluth's Sad Experiment.


National Advocate, July 3, 1920, page 1.
Judy, M. W., “Duluth’s Sad Experiment”

Image text

Duluth’s Sad Experiment

M. W. Judy, a Prosthetic Dentist of Duluth, writes in regard to the lynching at June 15th.
Duluth has suffered a horrible disgrace a blot on its name that can never outlive. Three Negroes were murdered. Those responsible the leaders of the mob those who actually forced the doors of the jail, dragged out these victims and took part in the hanging they should pay the penalty under the law of their crime. It was not alone a horrible crime, but a most cowardly one. It was deliberate and premeditated by those who are guilty. Yet not one of these few would have dared act save for mob support. No one knows that a single one of the murdered men was guilty of the act charged, no one knows now that even one of them was guilty and if they were Minnesota has laws to cover their crime and there was not the slightest chance of their escaping the penalty. Please educate the enforcers of law that a rich man’s son is no better than a negro or a poor man in the sight of God, and they should be no better in the sight of man, no matter whether they are black, white or brown. Educate the men who are supposed to enforce the law through the columns of your paper and insist on right and justice to all.

M. W. Judy