Letter from J. A. A. Burnquist to Anton Gronseth, July 2, 1920.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Anton Gronseth

Addressor: J. A. A. Burnquist

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Letter from J. A. A. Burnquist to Anton Gronseth, July 2, 1920.


Minnesota. Governor (1915-1921: Burnquist).
Subject Files (File 648c): Duluth Lynchings, 1920.
Letter from J. A. A. Burnquist to Anton Gronseth, July 2, 1920.

Image text

July 2, 1920.

Mr. Anton Gronseth,
401 East 4th St.,
Duluth, Minnesota.

Dear Sir:--

With reference to your letter of June 19th, I wish to say that I appreciate your cooperation in the efforts to punish the leaders in the riot in Duluth. St. Louis County officials seem to have taken hold of the matter in the proper manner, and you may be sure that they will have the cooperation of this department to the limit.

Very truly yours,