Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Letter from Elza Dondino to J. J. Sullivan, December 6, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: J. J. Sullivan

Addressor: Elza Dondino

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Letter from Elza Dondino to J. J. Sullivan, December 6, 1921.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Louis Dondino: Case No. 6614.
Case Files. 1921-1923.
Letter from Elza Dondino to J. J. Sullivan, December 6, 1921.

Image text

Bennett, Wis
Dec. 6, 1921

Mr. Sullivan,

Regarding Louis Dondino, my brother. I have done as you advised me, and talked with attorney Lanners from Wes Duluth. He had a talk with assiant (sic) district attorney Mr. Forbes about Louis. Forbes said he was nutrel (sic) on Louis’s case, and would leave that to the board to discid (sic). If the board would deside (sic) to set him

free, he would be satisfied. I was talking to Mr. Lanners last Tursday (sic) and he would have a talk to the judge, and he was sure he would get the same answer from him. I made a trip to Duluth some time ago, and had a talk with some of Louis friends, (business men) and they promised me they would write you a letter regarding Louis, now I don’t know

if they wrote you or not. I have done all I can do I am sure. My father and mother are both old people, as you know, and, Louis being where he is, is sure telling on the old people. We know he is used fine, as every letter we get from him he says, don’t worry about me, for I am all right. But it is thinking he is a pisoner (sic), for we are five brothers in

our family, and not one of us, ever was in a jail before. Mr. Sullivan if you will write me a letter, what the good news is, the old people and myself will fell better I am sure. We are all thankfull (sic) to you for what you have done, and for useing (sic) Loius as good as you have.
Yours Truly
Elza Dondino