Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from J. J. Sullivan to I. E. Nolte, July 26, 1923.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: I. E. Nolte

Addressor: J. J. Sullivan

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from J. J. Sullivan to I. E. Nolte, July 26, 1923.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Max Mason: Case No. 6785.
Case Files.
Letter from J. J. Sullivan to I. E. Nolte, July 26, 1923.

Image text

July 26, 1923

Rev. I. E. Nolte,

Supt., Duluth Mission,
22 Sixth Ave. West,
Duluth, Minn.

Dear Sir:
I have your letter of the 24th inst. relative to the case of Max Mason our number 6785 and replying beg to say that this man, since his commitment here in August 1921 has been getting along well. His application for Parole was considered by our State Board of Parole at its meeting held here in March last and was at that time denied. Under the rules his case will again be considered six months from that date or at the September 1923 meeting of the Board, provided, of course, that his conduct remains good.
Yours very truly,
