Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from J. J. Sullivan to State Board of Control, May 8, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: State Board of Control

Addressor: J. J. Sullivan

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from J. J. Sullivan to State Board of Control, May 8, 1922.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Max Mason: Case No. 6785.
Case Files.
Letter from J. J. Sullivan to State Board of Control, May 8, 1922.

Image text

May 8, 1922

State Board of Control,

Saint Paul, Minn.

Dear Sirs:
Returning herewith letter of Max Mason #6785 sent with yours of the 2nd inst. in which Mason asks permission to send money to his attorney, beg to say that we have taken this matter up with him and he tells us that Mr. McCollough (sic) was his attorny (sic) at the time of his trial, that he is not taking his case to the Supreme Court and that he wishes to send him $25.00 from here, his people to send him another $25.00. This he tells us is money that he already owes him for services which he ahs rendered and the fee of $200.00 is to be paid him in the event that Mr. McCollough (sic) succeeds in getting him free. Under the circumstances I would have no objection to Mason sending his attorney $25.00 at this time.
Mason was sent here from st. Louis County August 8, 1921 to serve an Indeterminate sentence, maximum thirty years for the crime of Rape.

Yours very truly,
