Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from Max Mason to R. C. McCullough, September 5, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: R. C. McCullough

Addressor: Max Mason

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from Max Mason to R. C. McCullough, September 5, 1921.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Max Mason: Case No. 6785.
Case Files.
Letter from Max Mason to R. C. McCullough, September 5, 1921.

Image text

Stillwater, Minn.
Mr. R. C. McCullough
Dear Sir I am writing you a few lines in regards of my helth (sic) I am getting along fine and I sincerely hope these few lines will find you well and all so enjoying the very best of helth (sic) that life can afford. I had to leave without calling you up as I promised you I would. I tried to get you over the phone but could not. All tho (sic) I am here but I hope I won’t have to stay verry (sic) long you are the only hope I have of ever geting (sic) out and if things come in our favor I am sure I will get out soon and if you do I am making 40¢ a day and some days I can make as high as $1.00 a day and I am saving it they won’t let you send any money away but I will make it payable to you on my release that is all I can be sure of because I can not depend on my people for any thing you no that for it takes all they can make to live down thair (sic) I have found that out.

I have seen all of the boys from Duluth we are togather (sic) every Satday (sic) and I delivered your message to Jim Carson (?) and the other boy say this Battling Barnes (?) is awfull (sic) he stay in bad with every one hear no one like him he fight all the time he pick fights with the inmates every chance he gets. I don’t have anything to do with him for I want a good clean recomded (sic) and I am going to keep away from all bad company and watch my step. I want you to sind (sic) me one address. Address whine (sic) you write I will close for this time more soon. I remain respectful
To Max Mason
Mr. R. C. Mc Cullough 6785 Box 55
906 East 3rd St. Stillwater
Duluth Minn.
Give my regards to your family all and please sind (sic) me Mr. Barnnet (sic) address all so.
Mr. Adams

Return in Five Days to Reg No.

Box 55

Mr. R. C. McCullough
906 East 3rd St