Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from Thomas L. Marshall to Frank A. Whittier, July 14, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Frank A. Whittier

Addressor: Thomas L. Marshall

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Max Mason. Case No. 6785. Letter from Thomas L. Marshall to Frank A. Whittier, July 14, 1922.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Max Mason: Case No. 6785.
Case Files.
Letter from Thomas L. Marshall to Frank A. Whittier, July 14, 1922.

Image text

-: Butchers :-
120 Church Street Est. 1887 Telephone 12

Decatur, Ala.

July 14th/22

F. A. Whittier, State Agent,
Stillwater, Minn.

Dear Sir

In reference to yours of the 10 inst, will state that the said Max Mason, (colored) did work for us a number of years ago. As did his father occasionally, the family lived close to us. Father and Mother, both dead, two (2) sisters live at Town Creek, Ala. who are well thought of by white and colored in fact they come of a good class of darkies, the only fault we could see, when any one imposed on them they would fight but not inclined to give trouble to anyone—the father the same, but otherwise they were industrious, polite, honest and always ready to help any one when in a tight, the sisters both think the world of each one of the family. Trusting this communication will be some benefit to Max.
I beg to remain yours Resp.
--Thomas L. Marshall--