Negroes Arrested in Virginia are Guarded.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Negroes Arrested in Virginia are Guarded.


St. Cloud Daily Times, June 16, 1920, page 1.
“Negroes Arrested in Virginia are Guarded”

Image text

Negroes Arrested at Virginia are Guarded

Duluth, June 16, – Adjutant General Rhinow left here after 11:30 o’clock this forenoon in a taxicab for an unknown destination on Vermillion Road between Duluth and Virginia, to bring into Duluth the ten Negroes arrested at Virginia last night in connection with assault on a white girl here. General Rhinow is accompanied by national guardsmen in trucks, it is reported, and will protect the Negroes. Disposition of them after they arrive here has not been decided, it is said.
The three Negroes who were “acquitted” by the mob last night were immediately spirited out of the city and are being kept hidden by police authorities.