Reverend William M. Majors.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Reverend William M. Majors.


National Advocate, July 3, 1920, page 1.
Reverend William M. Majors

Image text

We present Rev. Wm. M. Majors, pastor of St. Marks A. M. E. Church, who is loved by his congregation, and below is his schedule.
St. Mark’s A. M. E. Church, Fifth Avenue East and Sixth Street. Rev. W. M. Majors, minister. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Class meeting 12:30, Sunday School at 10 A. M. H. S. Merry is superintendent.
Allen Christian Endeavor meets at 6:45 P. M. Mrs. Marie T. Coles, president.
Evening service at 8 P. M. You are cordially invited to attend Public Worship at this Church. The above pastor is one of our leading citizens of Duluth, and he is doing all he possibly can to see that these men are severely punished in the dastardly deed they did on Tuesday night, June 15th. The better class of citizens in Duluth are going to do all they possibly can to see that these law breakers are brought to justice, and will leave no stone unturned. The editor and publisher of the National Advocate appreciates the courtesy shown hum by the reverend and Mrs. Majors while in their city, and officers of the church and the congregation. They have promised us that they would do all they possibly could to make our paper the leading Negro Journal in the city of Duluth.