Author Event at the Forest History Center: Making the Carry by Timothy Cochrane

Guests can hear seldom-told stories about northern Minnesota and Native American history

For immediate release


GRAND RAPIDS, Minn. (April 10, 2023) – Visitors can experience a unique opportunity to learn about Native American history at the Forest History Center with author Timothy Cochrane.

On April 22, Cochrane will share stories from his new book, Making the Carry. Guests are invited to hear about the illustrated biography which follows the lives of John and Tchi-Ki-Wis Lanklater, a Métis man and Anishinaabe woman.

History lovers can examine the often overlooked geography and historical significance of the border country of Ontario and Minnesota between the 1870s and 1930s.

Cochrane has worked extensively with Native American tribes throughout his career as a historian, anthropologist, and a superintendent for the National Park Service. Books will be available after the presentation.

Saturday, April 22, 2023 
1–3 pm 
Forest History Center 
2609 County Road 76, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 
Included with regular site admission

This is the final event of the Forest History Center’s 2023 winter lecture series. For more information about summer programming, please visit

About the Minnesota Historical Society 
The Minnesota Historical Society is a non-profit educational and cultural institution established in 1849. MNHS collects, preserves, and tells the story of Minnesota’s past through museum exhibits, libraries and collections, historic sites, educational programs, and book publishing. Using the power of history to transform lives, MNHS preserves our past, shares our state’s stories, and connects people with history.