
Afro-independent (St. Paul, Minn.; Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888  Browse the title

The Afro-Independent began publication in Saint Paul in July of 1888 with Charles S. Sweed as its editor.  An eight-page, six-column paper, the Afro-Independent was published weekly.  In contrast to most African American newspapers of the time, the Afro-Independent was decidedly Democratic in its politics, expressing great dissatisfaction over what it perceived as the Republican Party’s lack of regard for its African American supporters.  In an editorial opinion published in the paper’s September 22, 1888 issue, the Afro-Independent criticized Republicans as “the party that has and is now serving out a prolonged lease of power and can today point to no notable act it has ever done for its staunchest, truest and most earnest supporter the Negro.” Unfortunately, very little else is known about this paper, as only one issue is extant in the Minnesota Historical Society’s records.

See more: Minnesota African American Newspapers