Prepare a National Register Nomination

1. Become familiar with the nomination process.

The National Register program, directed by the National Park Service, is administered in each state by its State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Nominations for listing a property on the National Register may be initiated by the SHPO or by private individuals and organizations. However, nominations must be submitted through the SHPO.

The nomination serves to make the case for the property's significance. If the Minnesota Historical Society's State Review Board determines that the property meets National Register criteria, the nomination is sent to the State Historic Preservation Officer for signature and then to the Keeper of the National Register in Washington, D.C., for final review and approval.

2. Learn the National Register criteria used to measure a property's significance.

Properties listed on the National Register must meet certain criteria of historical significance and physical integrity. See the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for details.

3. Determine the property's potential for listing on the National Register.

You may request a preliminary evaluation by the SHPO on the property's potential for National Register eligibility. Contact SHPO to request a preliminary evaluation package for the type of property you want evaluated-school, church, commercial building, residence, etc. Include your address for delivery by U.S. mail. Once you have completed a draft nomination form, SHPO staff will review your draft and notify you of their opinion on the property's eligibility.

4. Complete the nomination.

If you decide to proceed, it will be your responsibility to submit a complete nomination for the property, including maps and photographs. You may complete the nomination yourself or retain the services of a Contract Historian.