What We Do

Grants program

The Minnesota State Historical Records Advisory Board receives funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission that allows the Board to support History Day training and to make small grants to nonprofit organizations involved in the collection, dissemination, and preservation of historical records.

Learn more about this and other grants.

Archives Month

Every October, SHRAB joins the national celebration of Archives Month, which celebrates archival institutions, the valuable material they collect, and the teams of archivists doing great work to collect, preserve, and provide access to their holdings.

We encourage institutions and individuals to participate in Archives Month by visiting an archival repository, raising awareness of their institution, holding special events, and advocating for the importance of archives in preserving evidence of the past.

For help and inspiration for planning your own Archives Month events, visit the Society of American Archivists’ American Archives Month and the Council of State Archivists’ Archives Month. They have directories, past activities, a free public relations kit, a history of Archives Month, and other resources.

The SHRAB board creates a Minnesota Archives Month poster every year and distributes it to heritage institutions across the state. Each state’s Archives Month poster has been collected by the Council of State Archivists. The most recent Minnesota Archives Month posters:



Other activities

In addition to encouraging and evaluating specific grant proposals to the NHPRC, the Board encourages and assists organizations requesting support for records projects from other federal agencies such as the National Endowment for the Humanities, and from funding sources within the state, including private foundations and the Minnesota Historical Society’s Grant-in-Aid Program.

The Board also believes that the importance of historical records, and the case for their preservation, must be publicized widely. The Board encourages its members to speak to other organizations on its behalf, distributes information on its role and that of NHPRC, encourages cooperative development and use of resources and the exchange of information among institutions holding historical records, and supports increased funding for the NHPRC and other records preservation programs.